Customer Testimonial

Douwe Egberts Cafe’s

digitalSTROM gold excellence partner Visser Elektrotechniek was asked by Douwe Egberts (DE) to provide the complete electrical installation for the Douwe Egberts Café in Zwolle and Enschede. In the Douwe Egberts Cafés everything revolves around coffee. A cosy living room with the tastiest coffee and expert baristas.

Visser Elektrotechniek from Capelle aan den IJssel designs, realises and maintains high-quality installations. They use light and energy to turn every room into a unique experience. Their installation solutions are smart, high quality and future-oriented for homes as well as retail and business environments.

re asked to apply an easy-to-use system for the DE Cafés to contribute to the atmosphere of the Café. Conditions were that no major rebuilding was needed and that both normal LED dimmable light fittings and DALI fittings could be operated. With 30 years of experience of our electrical company and a good number of previous installations, we knew that with digitalSTROM we could exactly meet the wishes of the customer’.

The photos, provided by photographer Aron Weidenaar, give a beautiful impression of the Café in Zwolle at the Grote Markt 4.